New ‘Star Wars’ videogame is fun for casual gamer
August 27, 2008
To say I am a casual player of video games is an overstatement.
I normally stick to my “Bomberman” and various “Mario” games for my Nintendo DS, with a mix of the number of Guitar Hero spin-offs. But I just found a game that has gotten me as giddy as an effeminate ferret, “Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.”
The game follows the story of Darth Vader’s secret apprentice and their mission to destroy all Jedi. It takes place between “Episode III” and “Episode IV,” and it’s supposed to fill in the mythological gaps between the films.
After playing the demo on Xbox 360, it completely blew me away, in both the game play and the scope of the whole game. With only a few flicks of the thumbs, you can grab a stormtrooper and fling him across the room, taking out four other guards. Using the targeting system, just about anything except the walls can be torn down and heaved. There’s also a force blast that demolishes everything in its path, with the ability to use electric bolts that paralyze guards.
The destruction that is possible is particularly impressive because of the physics engine. Instead of having one, “TFU” has three brand-new engines: Digital Molecular Matter, euphoria and the Havoc Physics system. Everything not only reacts, it reacts as it should. If you throw an R2 unit out a bay window, surrounding debris will be sucked out. It is harder to use the force to move a TIE fighter than a canister. And best of all is the way the human opponents react to the force. If you throw a guard across the room, he looks the way he should if he were hurled 50 feet. If you have a hold of a stormtrooper and drag him near another guard, he’ll grab onto him and they’ll both start to struggle to get free. Guards even duck incoming objects.
Now for the story aspect. After I beat the demo, there was a trailer with game play footage that completely floored me with its immense story. Not only does there seem to be an extensive Wookie battle, but at one point the character throws his lightsaber at a Rancor and hits it in the face.
“TFU” doesn’t come out until Sept. 16 and I’m hoping the demo will hold me off until then. I could always watch the three great Star Wars movies.
Or the one good one.
Or the one OK one.
Or the one bad one.