NIU student cast as extra in upcoming Depp flick


Northern Star had the opportunity to sit down with Kaitlin Zordan, a senior biology major who was cast as an extra for the Chicago-filmed “Public Enemies,” starring Johnny Depp, Christian Bale and Channing Tatum. The film is set for release in July 2009.

Northern Star: How did you hear about the casting call?

Kaitlin Zordan: My roommate’s mom told us about it about a month ago. She said that they were looking for extras for a new Johnny Depp movie being filmed in Chicago, and I was in!

NS: What was the audition process like?

KZ: Well, we had to wear a black dress and pumps. After the long wait, it only took about 10 minutes. We took a head shot and filled out an application with weird questions about our hobbies and things. One of the questions even had fire eating as an example.

NS: Were there any strange requirements?

KZ: Not really. I mean. the only requirements were that we be shorter than 5’9″ and under a size 10 dress. Oh, and you have to be able to cut your hair.

NS: Really? Does that worry you? What if they shave your head?

KZ: If that is the price to pay to meet Johnny, I’ll do it! I’d do anything to meet him, even if I look like a boy in my graduation cap … it would be totally worth it.

NS: What is the movie about and what scene are you in?

KZ: “Public Enemies” is set back in the 1930s during the prohibition time period. It is about the gangster John Dillinger. I’m in the ballroom scene and the biographer’s scene. I think I got my part because of my dance experience growing up, but tap, jazz and ballet are not exactly ballroom. They say that the ballroom scene is important, so I just hope that it is one that Johnny is in.

NS: How long will you be on the set?

KZ: I will be there one day for rehearsal, one day for costumes and three days of filming.

NS: Will you be paid?

KZ: Yeah, we get $65 for eight hours, and then time-and-a-half after that. I don’t really care if I get paid or not. I’ve never been around a movie set or anything, so this is a really cool experience for me.

NS: Have you had to sign anything swearing you to secrecy about the film?

KZ: Not yet, I really don’t know anything about it, but I will probably find out more when I go in around May 23.