Honors Program offers more to students than just hard work


The benefits of being in the University Honors Program can be far reaching for some students.

Students first entering the program are given the opportunity to live in the honors house on the C wing of Douglas Hall. The hall surrounds freshmen and sophomores with other honors students and gives them an opportunity for a strong learning environment, said Scott Sutarik, peer adviser for the program.

First-year honors students are given a tutorial on college life, Sutarik said.

“We provide a program telling you all the rules on campus, where to eat and what to expect,” he said.

One benefit of the program is priority registration, which allows honors students to sign up for classes at the earliest possible time for undergraduates.

Katie Wedster, a junior journalism and communications major and honors student, said early registration has helped her to stay on track with her major.

“It has helped me a lot since I am a communications and journalism double major, and those departments run on their own permit system when registering for classes, and it’s hard to get into those classes,” Wedster said. “Having honors early registration has really helped me to get into the few open spots left of those classes.”

Current freshmen and sophomores are eligible to apply for Phase I of Honors Program if they have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.2, according to NIU’s Web site.

Juniors or seniors need a 3.2 GPA as well, but they can only apply for Phase II.

Students in the Honors Program get the opportunity to have a better relationship with their professors from smaller upper-level class sizes and extra work with the instructors, Sutarik said.

“You get to know your professors a little more,” he said. Honors students also get the opportunity to go on trips with the program for a small fee, he said.

Phase I Requirements (Lower Division):

– 15 semester hours with honors coursework

– Minimum 3.2 GPA in honors classes

– Minimum 3.0 GPA in all classes overall

– Included in the 15 hours, must complete a Cornerstone project

Phase II Requirements (Upper Division):

– 12 semester hours with honors coursework in 300 or 400 level classes

– Minimum 3.2 GPA in honors classes

– Minimum 3.2 GPA in all classes overall

– Included in the 12 hours, must complete an honors seminar and a Capstone
