Candidates for 14th Congressional District debate at NIU


Democratic candidates for the 14th Congressional District participated in the party’s second debate before the Feb. 5 primary.

The candidates – Bill Foster, John Laesch, and Jotham Stein – are campaigning for the seat currently held by retiring Rep. Dennis Hastert, who served as Speaker of the House from 1999 through 2006.

The debate was a joint venture between the College Democrats and the DeKalb County Democrats, said College Democrats president Kevin Chambliss. About 180 to 200 people attended the debate, he said.

Foster, a scientist from Geneva, said he was seeking the cheapest source of alternative fueling to solve foreign energy dependence, and focused on how his experience as a businessman and scientist, as well as his upbringing, prepared him for candidacy.

“My name is George William Foster, but running as George W. anything is not a good idea these days,” Foster said.

Laesch, a union carpenter from Yorkville and the party’s candidate from the 2006 election, focused much of his time on international relations as a solution to many of this nation’s perceived problems. Laesch said funding spent on the Iraq war could be spent on tuition for America’s youth, as well as solving Medicare’s funding problems.

Stein focused on collecting the tax gap every year, which he said would amount to about $50 to 60 billion in additional federal funding. Stein, an attorney from St. Charles, said his experience as a lawyer dealing with “big egos” prepared him for the position.

When Matthew Streb, NIU political science professor and debate moderator, asked about a proposed impeachment of vice president Dick Cheney, Foster said Cheney had committed impeachable offenses, but impeachment proceedings would not be a good use of Congress’ time right now, a view Laesch disagreed with.

“It needs to be done, and the same with the president,” Laesch said.

Stein agreed with Foster’s position, also saying it would not be a worthwhile venture to pursue.

“I wouldn’t waste a minute of time trying to impeach Dick Cheney,” Stein said.

Even with the focus squarely on the Democrats, College Republicans president Megan Szydlowski was present to take in the debate.

“I just wanted to check it out, stay informed,” Szydlowski said.

Andrew Nelms, former student trustee and an NIU alumnus, was recording the debate as a member of Republican Jim Oberweis’ campaign for the 14th congressional district.

More information on the candidates can be obtained from their Web sites:

John Laesch

Bill Foster

Jotham Stein