Time to registar for classes is now, WebConnect permitting


WebConnect, you’ve struck again! Going to a university with 25,000 other students means that we all vie for classes like presidential candidates courting an Iowa voter.

It seems that every semester students have difficulty getting into certain courses. At times, courses are only offered in a certain semester, and the dash to get into a course began this week.

In my academic career, I have been lucky enough to get into classes I have needed or wanted through charm and persistence during the first week of classes. This is nerve-wracking and is only for the skilled procrastinator. I have tried to avoid that debacle next semester to no avail.

Most of us aren’t honors students or athletes and didn’t get the preferential treatment of early registration. Complaining to your dean or adviser can get you sympathy but getting results as an individual is taxing. This is where we need to unite as an NIU student body.

The newspaper is meant to be the outlet for students that see problems on campus. To this end, the Northern Star is soliciting information from students on which classes you have had difficulty getting into. Feel free to respond throughout registration.

Give us the course number and the title as the example shows.

Send list of courses that you have had difficulty getting into and list if it is a requirement or a course that you desire to take.

Next week we will list the classes that students are most having difficulty getting admitted to on the Perspective page. Please do not submit more than three classes that are problematic. Feel free to submit relevant comments but keep them to 200 words or less.

We hope that this is a way to show administrators areas of concern or popular classes that students want offered on a greater scale. We understand that scheduling classes for a enormous and diverse set of students is difficult, and we hope that this can help alleviate some specific issues.