Songs of ’07 that more than just rocked


So far, this list has been filled with songs that some have liked and some have hated. Now that the countdown is ending, it’s time to really separate the songs that have ruled 2007 from the songs that just rocked.

9. Minus the Bear – “Double Vision Quest”

This can’t be emphasized enough: Minus the Bear is probably one of the best five active bands on the planet. If you like music at all, start listening. This isn’t the best song for beginners, but it’s still required listening.

8. 3 Inches of Blood – “Night Marauders”

All right, sometimes it’s OK to actually like metal (sometimes). But this epic song mixes metal screams and Iron Maiden-esque howls to make one of the most rockin’ songs of the year, hands down.

7. A Wilhelm Scream – “Jaws 3, People 0”

Have you ever felt like your face was melting because of how hard it was being rocked? If not, now is your chance to get blown away. A Wilhelm Scream plays faster than any punk band, and has a million times more melody than any metal band. It’s like pop-punk-thrash-metal. Wrap your head around that.

6. Aesop Rock – “None Shall Pass”

Aseop’s flow is even more amazing on this song than any of the other tracks on his new album, which is still better than the Kanye CD. It doesn’t matter how many people haven’t heard it; this CD is so good. You should be blaring it through car windows, iPods, and dorm rooms.

5. Battles – “Atlas”

This song will blow you away. Battles creates robot music, but not in a cheesy way. It’s experimental, noisy and harmonic – but dissonant. Oh, yeah, and it rules. You will probably suffer from temporary hypnosis while listening and briefly after you experience this awesomeness.

4. Panda Bear – “Bros”

Wow. Really, wow. There aren’t a lot of songs out there like this. It’s really hard to describe without sounding like a Pitchfork employee, so I won’t bother. It’s up to you to listen to this song and not be blown away. Tell me I’m wrong. I dare you.