Four instructors selected for award of excellence

By Justin Weaver

Though NIU has many outstanding instructors, four have stood out in the eyes of their students.

Judith Lukaszuk, Carla Montgomery and Julie Robertson have been named this year’s recipients of the Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. In addition, School of Nursing instructor Nancy Oldenburg has been named the winner of the university’s Excellence in Undergraduate Instruction award. Recipients of the awards are nominated by students.

The awards honor standout undergraduate teaching in the university, encourage improvement of instruction and promote dialogue on teaching. Nominees must be full-time faculty whose major responsibility is teaching and have worked at least five full academic years at NIU.

Lukaszuk, Montgomery and Robertson will each receive a check for $2,000.

Montgomery, from the Department of Geology, said being nominated by her students made the award all the more meaningful to receive.

“That’s what makes it really special,” Montgomery said. “They’ve been the guinea pigs on the receiving end of the teaching. I was very much flattered when I heard the students wanted to nominate me. It really was a thrill.”

Lukaszuk is from the School of Family, Consumer and Nutrition Sciences, and Robertson works in the School of Nursing. Receiving the award, which was initiated in 1966, is NIU’s longest-standing honor.