Last call for 50-cent drafts
September 10, 2006
DeKALB | In an effort to sway DeKalb City Council members from effectively eliminating 50-cent draft nights, the “Save My Beer Bus” will begin loading passengers at the Holmes Student Center.
Adam Novotney, Student Association president, is leading students against the proposed ordinance to raise the minimum price of alcohol. The SA will provide a bus to take students who oppose the legislation to today’s city council meeting.
The bus will begin picking up students at the Holmes Student Center at 6 p.m. and make its way to each of the residence halls. The bus will also bring students back after the meeting using the same route. The city council meeting is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m.
The bus is being provided through the added services provision in the Huskie Line’s contract. The safety supervisor for the Huskie Line will also ride the bus.
At the meeting, Novotney and Paulette Tolene, SA director of governmental affairs, will speak against the legislation.
Novotney said the trip to the DeKalb Municipal Building is not a protest. He said the reason he wants to bring so many students to the city council meeting is to get his argument across and show how many students disagree with the ordinance.
“Some say it’s not important. Should they be able to do this without asking the student body, what could happen next?” Novotney said.
He also said it is an important issue because DeKalb is out of sync with other college towns.
Christopher Norman is a Student Association beat reporter for the Northern Star.