Office moves from Lowden to HSC

By Jim Harris

It’s moving day for NIU’s Office of Public Information, which has been located in Lowden Hall since 1963. The office is moving to the Holmes Student Center, rooms 206-210. The move started Sept. 27.

The office serves as a major source of information about the campus, and relates NIU to the public through news media, such as newspapers, wire services, radio, television and magazines.

The office, part of the Division of Development and University Relations, is responsible for the production of Northern Today, a weekly newsletter published for NIU’s faculty and staff.

A small staff of five full-time employees, experienced in news and feature writing, help the university to build greater relations with the public and maintain good university communication through work with editors, reporters and writers, as well as radio, television, film and advertising personnel.

This office also publicizes cooperative ventures by off-campus entities, such as corporations, foundations, and governmental agencies, involved with the university. The director of the office is Bob Woggon, who has been with the office since 1968.

The Office of Development and Alumni Relations, which also resides in Lowden, needs extra space, as they plan to increase their staff and have been assigned by President John La Tourette to raise more money for NIU, Woggon said.

As a result, Development and Alumni Relations is claiming the space where OPI once resided, prompting the move to the Holmes Student Center, he said.

According to Woggon, the office will resume operations as usual, but it will be difficult.

The Oct. 4 issue of Northern Today will not be published because of the temporary state of disorganization caused by the move, he said.

“We (OPI) will greatly miss our Lowden Hall neighbors but look forward to our new environment in the HSC,” Woggon said.

“We (OPI) will greatly miss our Lowden Hall neighbors but look forward to our new environment in the HSC.”