Sidewalks to get a facelift
April 11, 2006
At Monday’s DeKalb City Council meeting, a bid was awarded to DeKalb Walker Construction, Inc. for the 2006 Greek Row Sidewalk Project. The company had the lowest bid, $38,603.35, which was under the city engineer’s estimate by about $3,000.
The project is funded by the Community Development Block Grant used to aid citizen’s concerns.
Community Services Planner Sue Guio allocated $50,000 from the grant for the sidewalk project, but the engineering department’s original estimate of sidewalk damage exceeded that amount. The bid does not include all of the weathered sidewalks.
Now with a bid more than $11,000 under budget, the city has an opportunity to fix more sidewalks than allotted for. The walks in question run along Normal Road, Greenbrier Road, Blackhawk Road, Kimberly Drive, Edgebrook Drive and Ridge Drive of the Greek Row area directly adjacent to campus.
“We will use that money for the other sidewalk needs in the community,” said DeKalb City Manager Mark Biernacki.
First Ward Alderman Karega Harris welcomes the project to his district.
“I believe anything to beautify the neighborhood is a great addition,” Harris said.
The city is planning to work on the sidewalks during the summer when Greek Row is less occupied.
The plan is to begin the work mid-May. The city is hoping for smooth walking paths through Greek Row by mid-August.
The sidewalk repairs come after lighting improvements were made in the area in recent years.