(the secrets of) Nice guy syndrome

By Stephanie Szuda

Jerry always listens to his friends’ needs. He’s really caring and funny, too.

Sounds great, huh? Jerry is such a nice guy. Why doesn’t he have a girlfriend?

Who me? Oh, I don’t want to date him. I just don’t look at him like that.

I’ll tell you why. Our friend Jerry has a scorching case of the “nice guy” syndrome.

He’s every girl’s best friend, but never their boyfriend. He cringes when girls tell him, “You’re such a nice guy. Why couldn’t my boyfriend be more like you?”

Why oh why do girls always go for the jerk guys? Why do they waste their time on a guy who treats them less than stellar when there’s probably a great guy right under their noses?

This great guy is a part of their life in every way, except sexually.

Being told you’re one of those “nice guys” is the kiss of death. How do you come back from it?

How does this nice guy move from platonic love to the real thing?

Some girls don’t want something so easy, they want more of a challenge. Girls want to take that guy who may only be somewhat into them and make that him all about her.

Oh yes, let’s not forget girls like self-confidence. Sometimes the nice guys can come off a little needy. Yeah, we don’t like that so much.

Nobody likes those high maintenance relationships, and if anybody’s going to be high maintenance, it’s going to be the female. Got it?

Watching potential girlfriends be mistreated when you know you could treat them right sucks, doesn’t it?

Their boyfriends blow them off, and maybe even cheat on them. The nice guy listens to her cry about it, then watches her do nothing to fix it.

Once girls are done being bounced around by jerk guys, they’ll wise up and want to settle down.

Girls may not like the nice guys, but women do.

Don’t worry guys, some day a woman will come along to cure that syndrome right up. And you’ll finally get laid.