Spring, August graduation application, fee due April 1

By Stephanie Kohl

Graduation applications and fees are due April 1, according to the application, for students planning to graduate in May or August who would like to attend the May ceremony.

While students must fill out the application to walk in the commencement ceremony, it is not a guarantee the student will graduate.

In addition, attending the commencement ceremony is not required in order for a student to graduate, Vice Provost Earl Seaver said.

Students who earned 90 credit hours receive notices saying they are eligible to apply for graduation.

Once the Office of Registration and Records receives the applications, they are reviewed and notices are sent out to students who have not yet met proper requirements to graduate. An informational letter is mailed to the students along with a copy of their DARS report. However, much of the time it is simply a matter of paper work that has not yet been received, said Anne Hardy, acting assistant director of Graduation/Transfer Evaluations for the Office of Registration and Records.

All paperwork must be received by Registration and Records within two weeks after the commencement ceremony to ensure graduation.

“We don’t actually know who graduates until after the ceremony because grades don’t run until after the ceremony,” Anne Hardy said.

Tyler Hardy, a senior sociology major, turned in his application, but knows it does not guarantee he will graduate. He still plans to attend class to ensure he passes and graduates.

“I’m looking forward to finishing my college career and moving on to the real world,” Tyler said.