Residence hall surveys help bring needed improvements

By Stephanie Kohl

Residence hall surveys hit the halls last week to measure overall student satisfaction with living on campus.

“Most of the information we get we use internally to try to gauge how we are doing both in comparison with other schools and with ourselves over the years,” said Michael Stang, director of residential operations.

The surveys are administered every other year so any changes made within the halls can be more accurately measured.

“We feel every other year probably makes more sense because it generally takes us about a year to implement any changes,” Stang said.

In addition to the national portion of the survey, the NIU housing staff created 10 additional questions regarding student cell phone use and online community participation.

Once the results are analyzed, posting announcements on Facebook and Myspace may be considered.

“We are having some discussion within our department as to how we could better use that as a communication tool with students if in fact many or most are using it as a communication tool,” Stang said.

Of about 6,000 students living in the residence halls, Housing and Dining would like to have a 60-percent return rate on the surveys so they have about 3,600 responses to work with.

“I think the survey was long but useful,” said junior biology major Ashley Anderson. “It was pretty thorough and it will allow [housing] to better assess our living situation.”

Students still wishing to complete a survey should see their community adviser for a copy. Surveys must be completed by Monday.

These surveys provide students with the opportunity to participate in changing residence halls for the better, so it is important the surveys are taken seriously.

“I think most students do take the time to read through and answer all of the questions, but some rush through it,” said Jasmine Butler, a junior health administration major and CA.