So long, Weekender … bring on the daily Flavor!!!

By Chris Strupp

I’ll bet you’re wondering what happened? You opened up Thursday’s newspaper and didn’t see the Weekender in it. Then in a fit of rage, you threw the paper on the ground and had a Julius Caesar moment and had to “Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war.” Or you most likely turned quietly back a few pages and tried doing Sudoku again.

If you did happen to be in the first group, I’ve got some bad news for you. The Weekender … is gone. We’ve gone the way of the Star’s redesign and are now a daily entertainment section. We are still going to bring you all the things you longed for during your Thursday classes like movie reviews, cd reviews and delicious, delicious humor pieces.

Other than the above mentioned items, look for us to knock you down, help you back up again, take you out for a nice dinner, steal your shoes, tell you “it’s not you … it’s me” and then go home to watch Oprah because she always makes us feel better with our brand new spanking content. We want to bring you things you’ll enjoy. Things that will make you laugh, think, yell obscenities and maybe things that will make you tear a little bit.

Some things we have planned are: top five lists about anything we want, scientific experiments, celebrity/musician interviews (last year we brought you Fall Out Boy, Ron White, Donkey Lips and Booger from The Revenge of the Nerds) and a few other secret ideas we have up our sleeves.

But we ask you this question. What do you want to see us do in this section? Trust us, we’ll try anything once as long as it’s tasteful. We’re going to let you in on a little secret though.

You ready? Some of our content is going to bomb miserably. We’re prepared for the backlash so be prepared for the nonsensicalness of what we do.

We know you loved the Weekender. Well, so did we. But Flavor is new. Flavor is exciting. Flavor will become something that is talked about. OK, so we’re making a long-shot guess with the last one. But the fact of the matter is, we’re hoping you can forgive us for going daily.

By the way, our No. 1 goal is to bring you an interview with your favorite principal of Bayside High, Mr. Belding. We really want to ask him why Jessie was “so excited, so excited. So … scared.” Saved By the Bell fans, you can laugh now. That was funny.