How does your schedule match up to our test?

By Richard Pulfer

Gauging how your classes are coming is never easy, even after the syllabus has been passed out. Luckily, Flavor compiled a take-home quiz to help you better understand your class’ difficulty level.

1. Your overall course difficulty can be best described as:

A) Life exists outside of school’

B) Pretty easy so far, but ask me that question two term papers into midterms.

C) Extremely easy so far. I’ve achieved 50 percent of the class qualifications just by showing up to class in the first day, and I’m guaranteed a C for the class at this point.

2. Your professors can be best described as:

A) I can’t wait for teacher evaluations.

B) Mixed nuts, but with a couple cool beans mixed in.

C) Still marked as TBA.

3. Your class schedule can be best described as:

A) Crazy and perhaps humanly impossible.

B) Manageable.

C) All online. I haven’t left my couch since Christmas.

4. Your classmates can be best described as:

A) People with six fingers, mad typing skills and no social lives.

B) Typical Mountain Dew-fueled undergrads.

C) How come I’m the only person in this room’

5. Your text books can be best seen as:

A) A chilling testament as to just how much one person can write on the manufacturing of hamster wheels.

B) Harry Potter books, a few Lord of the Rings.

C) Mostly questionable magazines with a few illegal Web sites tossed in for variety.

6. Your tuition bill is seen as:

A) Unfathomable. Seriously, $1,500 for BOWLING 101′!

B) Painful only six months after graduation.

C) I love you, Mom and Dad.

7. Your overall feel for the entire semester based on the few classes endured/enjoyed so far is:

A) Burger King, here I come.

B) I’ve seen worse.

C) I haven’t even brought a pencil.

All answers marked C count for 1 point, all answers marked B count for 2 points and all answers marked A count for 3 points.

7-13: You might want to enroll in a few more classes. You can appear busy at the very least. You aren’t fooling anyone right now with a shameful list of blow-off classes.

14-17: The semester seems to be shaping up pretty well for you so far. Of course, you really can’t judge because you probably don’t know how your professors grade or judge papers, but everything seems to be going in your favor. Keep up the pressure and try to win your professor’s favor to a high score.

18-21: Hit the reset button and drop those suckers! And if you are staying, be responsible, do your homework and maybe call your therapist now before things get really out of control.