NIU fraternity to sponsor additions to MLK commons

By Sandra Masibay

Mu Alpha Lambda, the alumni chapter of the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, is sponsoring the addition to the King Memorial Commons.

The extension includes the expansion of brickwork for the courtyard and benches which will allow people to sit and view the bust of King.

“As you look at the bust and the pedestal, there really was no place to reflect. Now you can do that, sit and look across the mall,” said Willard Draper, Mu Alpha Lambda member.

The estimated cost of the addition is $4000. Exact figures will not be known until the project is completed. Mu Alpha Lambda is responsible for all costs.

“Dr. King was a member of Alpha Phi Alpha. We would like to pay a special tribute to our brother,” Draper said.

The Epsilon Phi Chapter is the NIU chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha. Torrick Ward is the president of the 21 active members.

“We are very excited about the project. It’s a very good addition to the mall,” Ward said.

Alpha Phi Alpha will be a big part of the Martin Luther King dedication today at noon. It is an exciting time for the fraternity which is intensified with the knowledge of their upcoming 30-year undergraduate celebration which takes place next year, Ward said.

“In the past 30 years, Alpha Phi Alpha has been one of the most active fraternities on NIU’s campus. Our members have been leaders in many areas of campus life. Brothers like Marcus Lee, president of NAACP, Amhadi Bradley, president of Black Student Union and Thomas Thompson, vice-president of the National Panhellenic Council,” said Collin Halliman, Alpha Phi Alpha member and minority relations advisor for Student Association. “James Anderson and John Quilico, alumni of Alpha Phi Alpha, were responsible for starting the NIU NAACP chapter which has gone on to become one of the strongest minority voices on campus,” Halliman said.

“Additional thanks goes out to Jim Murphy, university architect, and Dr. Williams, vice president of Finance and Planning,” Draper said.