Children need better protection
November 22, 2005
Practically every week on “The O’Reilly Factor,” host Bill O’Reilly does a few segments on the horrors of this country’s pathetic child abuse laws. In one recent segment, he talked about an atrocity committed in child abuser-lenient New York State.
O’Reilly reported, “New York state Judge Jacqueline Silbermann has overwritten Governor George Pataki’s order to confine 12 violent sex criminals. The state of New York will appeal the judge’s decision, but there’s no question, many of these convicts received very light sentences for brutally abusing children.”
Some of these criminals include Arnold Allen, who sexually abused an 8-year-old and a 13-year-old boy. He was sentenced to just three years. Charles Brooks held a knife to 5 and 13-year-old girls, forcing them to have sex with him. He was sentenced to only five years, as reported by O’Reilly in the same segment.
It’s bad enough when soft-on-crime judges sentence these monsters lightly, but some groups advocate child abuse under the guise of “child-adult sex.” Something formally known as pedophilia.
In her book “The Death of Right and Wrong: Exposing the Left’s Assault on Our Culture and Values,” Tammy Bruce quotes Judith Levine, the author of “Harmful to Minors,” a book about child sex and its position in society, as saying “Sex is not harmful to children … there are many ways even the smallest of children can partake in it.”
Bruce wrote Levine and like-minded individuals try to normalize sexual relations between adults and children. By doing so, she argues, the “Leftist Elite” will have struck a “final blow to family, faith, tradition, decency and judgment,” all things these people hate.
In his book “The Enemy Within,” Michael Savage wrote about a repulsive group called the North American Man/Boy Love Association, an organization promoting sex with children.
According to Savage, this group regularly publishes material meant to brainwash people into thinking pedophilia is OK.
In one of its publications, NAMBLA states: “Call it love, call it lust, call it whatever you want. We desire sex with boys, and boys, whether society is willing to admit it, desire sex with us.”
It also published a brochure called “Rape and Escape,” which describes how to “lure, befriend and rape a child, then avoid detection and prosecution.”
This morally reprehensible group is bad enough. But the liberal activist group ACLU agreed to defend this gang of pedophiles for free under First Amendment Rights when they were sued by the parents of Jeffrey Curley.
He was a 10-year-old boy molested and murdered by two gay lovers belonging to NAMBLA who were in possession of NAMBLA publications, including “Rape and Escape.”
Folks, I take personal offense to the ACLU. According to it, administrations can’t support wearing a cross in a public school, but organizations can write about how people can rape children consequence-free.
We have to start protecting children and I agree with O’Reilly, who said every state needs to pass “Jessica’s Law,” named after Jessica Lunsford, who was molested and murdered by a repeat offender.
As stated on his Web site, if passed, Jessica’s Law would set a minimum 25 year sentence for first time offenders. Also, all released convicts would be required to wear a global positioning system anklet for five years.
This law needs to be passed in all 50 states to better ensure the safety of America’s children by removing those who wish to harm them.
As of right now, Illinois has no plans to adopt Jessica’s Law. I ask all citizens to contact local representatives and urge them to draft a form of Jessica’s Law.
The ACLU won’t protect the children, so we must.
Columns reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily that of the Northern Star staff.