“Flaming Lips: The Fearless Freaks”

By David Rauch

The Flaming Lips have changed a lot since the band’s inception in the mid ’80s. This movie, by the group’s tried and true video man, Brad Beesley, chronicles the progression from before the band began, when members created the “Fearless Freaks,” an anti-jock, full-contact football league in Oklahoma City, to its recent bloody, balloon-animal-filled concerts. Intense scenes, like drummer Steven Drozd shooting heroine and speaking of its impact on his life and the painstaking shooting of Wayne Coyne’s “Xmas on Mars” propels one into the group and its unusual situations. Unfortunately and ultimately, there’s no message or objective to the movie other than to document the rise of one of the most unlikely intelligent rock bands. However, considering the dramatic progression from Butthole Surfers wannabees to orchestrated art rock gods, the lack of a message is almost unnoticeable.