Tommy Lee fails Reality 101 – Part Two

By Jessica King and

Unlike its watchable forerunner “The Osbournes,” “Tommy Lee Goes to College” is so-bad-it-is-actually-bad.

The reality television program follows the moronic middle-aged Mötley Crüe drummer as he redeems his educational shortcomings by finally getting a bachelor’s degree.

Only not really.

Tommy Lee isn’t really enrolled in college. He couldn’t scrape through high school, but for some reason the University of Nebraska decided to allow the ex-con and former amateur porn star to attend classes, live in a residence hall and join the marching band – all while filmed for the most scripted reality show yet. The Cornhuskers school comes off just as desperate for publicity as the bumbling Lee.

And Lee is bumbling. For a longtime rock drummer, he stumbles through band practices like he’s never handled drumsticks before.

He gets a so-called “hot tutor,” Natalie, who arrives with wind machines blowing back her blond hair.

Needless to say, watching the 40-something Lee drool over someone young enough to be his daughter is a just a little bit creepy.

“Tommy Lee Goes to College” pulls out all the unreal reality show conventions: 30-second song clips, an out-of-place old-man narrator and absurd montages.

In fact, the show is so manufactured is gives support to the recent demand from reality show writers to be allowed to join the Writers Guild of America.

The scene where the aging rocker buys far more textbooks than necessary – I mean, that’s brilliant writing.

Scripting aside, the show does display one redeeming feature: Lee’s seemingly real enthusiasm. He plays the earnest young student surprisingly well. Too bad “Girls, Girls, Girls” is on his permanent record.