Parking fees increase

By Rasmieyh Abdelnabi

The Campus Parking Committee approved a price increase for parking permits for the 2005-2006 academic year in January, the first increase in six years.

Norm Jenkins, a Campus Parking Committee member, said it was time for an increase because of inflation.

Currently, about 22 percent of the parking spaces are reserved, and the committee’s goal is to reduce this to 15 percent to allow more parking for blue and yellow permit holders, Jenkins said.

If someone does not renew his or her reserved parking spot, it will be turned into a blue or yellow parking spot.

The total revenue from the permits is $1,063.25, said Paula Lofgren, assistant to the associate vice president of budget in Finance and Facilities.

Robert Albanese, associate vice president of Finance and Facilities, said the revenue goes toward maintaining and improving parking lots and roadways leading to parking lots. Doing this is very expensive, he said.

With the extra revenue, Campus Parking Services plans to increase parking enforcement, Jenkins said. Campus Parking Services has to take care of the permit holder, he said.

One of the projects under way is the parking lot near the Chick Evans Field House, Albanese said. It will be repaved and reoriented for safety reasons, he said. Drivers currently are cutting through the parking lot to get to Anne Glidden Road, causing damage and increasing traffic in the parking lot.

During the summer, parking lots off Anne Glidden Road near the residence halls will be paved and lighted, Albanese said. This project will cost more than $1 million, he said. The money will come from parking permit revenues.

Aaron Langguth, a junior corporate communication major and chief of staff of the Student Association, was on the committee that approved the increase. The impact this will have on students is minimal because for many students it will only cost a couple of dollars, he said.

The Campus Parking Committee is composed of faculty, staff and students.