University made the wrong decision

NIU administrators’ decision on Feb. 15 to merge August and December graduations comes as a slap in the face to many graduating seniors.

For years they struggled through burdensome essay tests, survived endless presentations and pulled seemingly countless all-nighters with one thing in mind.

What’s the motivation, you ask? For many, it is that one glorious moment when their friends and family can finally recognize their hard work. It is a time when they can take time to reflect on what they have accomplished and dream of what is to come. For many, their motivation is the thought of their college graduation.

DeAnna McClintock, a senior public health major, was one student who was upset with the news and decided to take action.

Within two days after the announcement, she drafted a petition in favor of summer graduation and collected 122 signatures. That figure is now at 166, according to an article in Thursday’s Northern Star.

Her brave actions should serve as a reminder to administrators that it is essential to consult students on decisions that affect them so drastically.

Furthermore, Vice Provost Earl Seaver has said the Office of the Provost made the decision after consulting faculty and staff, who repeatedly questioned whether there was a need for the ceremony. The need would have been obvious had they taken the time to consult any of the seniors. The fact that there were not even attempts to consult the Student Association is equally disturbing and inexcusable.

Perhaps the biggest disappointment is that there is no sufficient reason for the cancellation, especially since administrators say money is not an issue.

The university owes its students, who have invested a great deal of time and money in the school, an explanation for this poor decision. And it owes students an apology for not listening to them.

Anyone interested in signing McClintock’s petition can contact her at [email protected].