J. Lo: Rebirth

By Lady C

Good ol’ Jenny from the block returns with her fourth album “Rebirth.”

For most artists to be able to stick around and make this many albums means they have talent. But in this case, it just isn’t so.

J. Lo is just about the money and uses her beauty to get more of it.

The album title is misleading because her focus is still on relationships – currently Marc Anthony.

The whole album revolves around how perfect they are together and reminisces about their past.

If there is a such thing as the king of perfect love she is constantly searching for, why does she go through men like underwear?

This time around she portrays herself as sophisticated and serious while trying to be private with her life.

The album has some nice beats, but the vocals are horrible and anyone denied in an American Idol audition could sing just as good as J. Lo.

The radio hit “Get Right” is a hot club track, but it is ruined as soon as her vocals hit.

A couple of the other tracks are alright but definitely not worth buying the album for.

There’s nothing new here. Jenny is still living in a fantasy world searching for perfect love.