Spitalfield: Stop Doing Bad Things

By Lindsey Rosati

Green Day would take responsibility for branding the new punk wave that is still present today.

Spitalfield is one of the bands which has pursued what Green Day made popular while making it into something of its own on the way.

“Stop Doing Bad Things,” comes together better than its previous albums. The guitar riffs, beats and vocals are stronger than before.

“Restraining Order Blues” illustrates the punk/pop sound as the entire band chants, “Yeah, if you got something to say just say it.”

Spitalfield has evolved into a punky/alternative rock sound with some pop feeling.

The melodies on its first single “Gold Dust vs State of Illinois” is a decent try to sound like Jimmy Eat World.

The fast tempos and loud guitars bear some resemblance to bands such as Foo Fighters and Taking Back Sunday.

Spitalfield has already discovered its identity, it just needs some perfecting..