Get a byte of reality

By Richard Pulfer

Aspiring documentary filmmakers soon will have the chance to show off their work.

Reality Bytes, an NIU-hosted film festival, is accepting submissions. A cash prize of $100 will be awarded for each Best of Genre winner and $150 for the Best of Festival winner.

The documentaries must fit into one of three categories: historical, biographical or social issues. There is no minimum length for submissions, but entries cannot be longer than thirty minutes. All submissions must include a check for the entry fee and a completed official entry form. Accepted submissions will be screened at 7 p.m. March 31 at DuSable Hall, rooms 252 and 253.

The event is sponsored by Ruckus Entertainment, which will air the submitted documentaries on the campus networks.

Assistant communication professor Laura Vazquez is heading the film festival. Vazquez has produced several documentaries and already has begun gathering submissions from colleges in the region. Vazquez said it is important that the film festival brings in entries from across the area.

“I want students to see what the rest of the world is doing,” Vazquez said.

Overall, Vazquez stresses commitment and perspiration.

“Do research, know what you want to know and focus in on it,” Vazquez said. “My advice is: Don’t put the camera down.”

The event provides not only a challenge for student filmmakers, but also for graduate assistants charged with aiding Vazquez in putting together “Reality Bytes.”

Graduate assistant Caroline McGawley has been given the task of getting word of the festival out to various colleges.

“We’ve already placed ads in SIU and Northwestern, as well as Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Indiana and Ohio,” McGawley said.

But for fellow graduate assistant Kristy Woodin, the biggest task is yet to come.

“Probably the biggest challenge will be picking the best out of the many entries we receive,” she said. The submission deadline is Feb. 15.