SA assigns committees

By Gerold Shelton

Student Association senators received their committee assignments during what some senators described as the shortest meeting ever.

The meeting, which started at about 6:07 p.m. Sunday night, was over by 6:25 p.m. During that time, senators said the pledge of allegiance, approved the minutes from their past two meetings, received a report from SA Speaker Andrew Nelms about the latest release of Husky Highlights and received their committee assignments. The committees were instructed to wait until after next week’s meeting to set up common meeting times due to possible changes in assignments. Nelms told senators they still could e-mail him this week if they wished to change their committee assignments.

Nelms told the Northern Star in advance that this meeting would not be very long.

“We are just getting into the swing of things,” Nelms said. “Things will get going once we have our committees structured.”

One senator had an explanation for the meeting length.

“We are in a transition period,” said Senator Pam Lake. “We accomplished a lot [during the] last meeting, but a lot was sent to special committees and we have not met yet.”

Mike Quashigah, SA senate president pro tempore, previously attended University of Colorado at Boulder and served in its student government system.

“This is the shortest meeting ever in my life,” Quashigah said. “I think everyone is just tired from Homecoming.”

Last week’s meeting lasted more than two hours.

“Sometimes the meetings are super short, sometimes exceptionally long,” said Senator Mark Clay. “You take them as they come.”

Senators were assigned to one of the five committees. The committees consist of: rules committee, finance committee, mass transit board, committee on campus life and Greek affairs and a committee on university services.

The next SA senate meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Sunday in the Holmes Student Center’s Clara Sperling Skyroom.