Documentary retort isn’t worth the discussion

For those of you who have not watched “Fahrenhype 9/11,” I have to say one thing. Hype is nothing more than an attack vehicle against Michael Moore, a series of editorials written by people who just don’t like the guy. Thusly, things like truth go out the window. Here’s why!

First, it is 75 minutes long without special features.

Second, it was released to match the date of “Fahrenheit 9/11.”

Third, it has less than a minute of archived footage (not counting archived footage played while a speaker is talking).

Finally, all of the editorial bits are done by ultra conservatives (i.e. Ann Coulter, Zell Miller, Ron Silver).

This film does nothing but urge political discourse to continue unabated.

By the way, not stocking a title is not called censorship. It’s marketing. If a business does not think a product will sell, it probably won’t try to sell it. And it’s not like the DVD has been advertised on television at all. It hasn’t.

Nick Vracar

Senior, electrical engineering