Raise proposal goes before full BOT today

By Gerold Shelton

The Board of Trustees will vote Thursday on capital budget repair and renovation projects for the next year’s budget and a possible salary increase of up to 4 percent for qualifying NIU employees.

The salary increase for faculty, staff and civil service employees was introduced by NIU President John Peters at the BOT Finance, Facilities and Operations Committee meeting Sept. 2. The increase was approved in committee and now awaits approval by the full board today.

“We have a lot of good things we do on campus,” Peters said. “To be able to deliver a pay raise would be very exciting.”

Among the items included in the Fiscal Year 2006 Capital Budget is a renovation and addition to the Stevens Building, which will include a new heating, ventilation and air conditioning system, a new roof and reconfiguration and upgrades of academic spaces.

“Stevens is high-maintenance and not really fit for the programs we have running them now,” said Bob Albanese, director of finance and facilities. “It’s like fitting a square peg into a round hole.”

A capital budget item, once approved by the BOT, is sent to the Illinois Board of Higher Education for prioritizing with items from other colleges and universities. After the IBHE places the items on its list, it is up to Gov. Rod Blagojevich to approve state bonds to fund the IBHE’s priority list.

“Just because BOT approves, it doesn’t mean IBHE will prioritize it high enough,” Albanese said.

Non-instructional capital improvements for 2006 include remodeling the Holmes Student Center and creating a tutoring center in Grant Towers.

“The tutoring center is a pretty big project,” Albanese said. “We might be able to start this project sooner with BOT approval. Our goal is to have that project done by fall of 2005.”

Money for non-instructional capital improvements typically comes from student fees. Because the money is already figured into the budget for non-instructional improvements, those projects usually begin much quicker, Albanese said.

The BOT will meet today at 9 a.m. in the HSC Clara Sperling Sky Room.

A list of the projects to be voted on at today’s BOT meeting

Capital budget requirement projects for 2006

– Stevens Building renovation and addition

– Computer science and technology center

– Wirtz Hall renovation

– Hoffman Estates facility

– Gilbert Hall renovation

– Campus signage and wayfinding

Nonappropriated capital budget items for 2006

– Holmes Student Center master plan implementation, phase I

– Grant Towers – tutoring center

– Holmes Student Center tower renovation

– Holmes Student Center tower renovation, phase II

– Lincoln Hall student room furniture replacement

– Huskie Stadium – remodeling of concession areas