Twang mixes with bit of thang

By Jessica Coello

Welcome back to Playback! This week’s CD comes from senior media studies major Laura Houston. Houston is from Belleville and likes to party in St. Louis. Houston interned at a radio station this summer, where she got to meet Jessica and Ashlee Simpson, among other celebrities. Country is Houston’s favorite genre because she can listen to it anytime, anywhere. If she were to create a mix CD today, these would be her picks:

1. “There Goes My Life” – Kenny Chesney. “This song make me think about leaving home and my parents, especially when he sings the verse, ‘Goodbye, Baby.’”

2. “Who Wouldn’t Want to Be Me” – Keith Urban. “It’s a great song for driving. The lyrics make me think of road trips out to nowhere.”

3. “Live Like You Were Dying” – Tim McGraw. “This song reminds me of a close friend. My favorite part of the song is when he says, ‘And I love deeper/And I spoke sweeter/And I gave forgiveness I’d been denying.’”

4. “Just to See You Smile” – Tim McGraw. “That was the song my ex-boyfriend and I called ours. Even though he’s a dick, that’s still a great song. And Tim McGraw is hot.”

5. “These Days” – Rascal Flatts. “I saw them live in concert at the Convocation Center last year. I have been a fan ever since, and I think everyone should listen to their songs.”

6. “This Kiss” – Faith Hill. “This song is just one of those happy, giddy love songs I like to hear every now and then.”

7. “The Sweetest Thing” – U2. My favorite line in there is: ‘A blue-eyed boy meets a brown-eyed girl.’ It reminds me of someone back home.”

8. “Amber” – 311. “’Amber’ is a definite chill song, and they have always been one of my favorite alternative rock bands.”

9. “Just Don’t Happen Twice” – Kenny Chesney. “I like this song because it’s always played at this bar back home called Wild Country. My friends and I love singing karaoke to it.”

10. “Cowboy Take Me Away” – Dixie Chicks. “I just love ‘The Chicks’ and the words and the feeling I get when I listen to this song.”

11. “Move Your Body” – Ninna Sky. “My roomies and I like to dance to this song when we go out to bars and clubs. It’s just really fun to dance to.”

12. “I Believe” – Blessed Union of Souls. “This song makes me teary when I hear it. Its message about the need to see past differences and see the love is touching.”

13. “In My Place” – Coldplay. “Coldplay is another great band, in my opinion. I like this song because of its simple lyrics and poetry.”

14. “Good Stuff” – Kenny Chesney. “I guess you can tell I just love country and Kenny Chesney. This is another one of those songs where you think about your life and living in the moment.”