4A heads to Huskie Stadium

By Casey Toner

Editor’s Note: Sweeps has been following Grant Tower North Floor 4A every other Thursday since the beginning of the year. This week’s adventure takes place last Friday, on a day of Huskie triumph.

Face paint, hairspray, T-shirts – you name it and the denizens of GTN 4A wore it – as they cheered the Huskies on to a victory over a vaunted foe on national television.

Residence Hall Community Adviser Missy Lugo spent the afternoon before the big game painting faces and generally riling up her troops for the absolute beat-down later in the day.

“We got a little crazy,” Lugo said. Just a bit.

Sophomore meteorology major Rick Lighthall’s roommate shaved an “NIU” in the back of his head. Lighthall said about 10 people on the floor packed together – some clad in black and red paint, others wearing “Falcon Feast” shirts – and left for the stadium to catch the eagerly awaited kick-off.

Lighthall, whose grades have pretty much skyrocketed from the shallow grade-point-average pit he previously waded in, said the raucous pre-gaming went over very well.

Sarah Trilling, a freshman elementary education major, spent the weekend – or at least part of it – as she seems to spend most of her weekends … with her boyfriend.

The couple did go fishing this weekend, but made time Friday to go crazy for Huskie football just like her 10 cohorts and thousands of other students did.

“I sprayed my hair bright red and me and two other girls had matching shirts,” Trilling said. The shirts were numbered “1”, “2” and “3” and their names were written on the back.

The Village Commons Bookstore sold the hair dye and she “sprayed the heck out of it.”

People noticed and complimented her blue eyes. Others said her hair looked too red, but the cheap spray wore off after a good washing, so any kind of negativity was lost in the wash of soapy suds.

Trilling said the game was fun and the getup made it even more fun.

“It made the game 10 times better because we were winning; people were 10 times more excited,” Trilling said. “I’ve talked to people who say the game is not fun. When you are with a group of people who are so into it, it makes it 10 times better.”

Sounds about right; ten times more right.