SA to replace computers

By Mike Runestad

Funding for computers, advertising for a book exchange and a dry erase board received the approval of the Student Association Finance Committee on Thursday night.

As part of ongoing improvements to the 10 organization offices in Room 190 of the Campus Life Building, SA President Shaun Crisler had requested $13,177.15 for office supplies, furniture and computers.

The finance committee eliminated $836 from the request for new tables and chairs for the meeting area within the room.

Senator Donna Dalton said the current tables and chairs were fine, based on her experience using the room for meetings.

“Our jobs as SA senators isn’t to be interior decorators,” Dalton said.

Although four to six computers provided for the offices by University Programming and Activities passed an audit by Information Technology Services, Crisler still wanted to purchase 10 computers to provide a new one for each office.

“If we’re going to do it, let’s do it correctly,” Crisler said.

Crisler hopes to renegotiate the SA’s contact with ITS. His goal is for all computers, in both the SA’s offices and the organizations’ offices, to be replaced every five years. To make this change, all computers need to be new.

The finance committee also approved $1,680 for advertising in the Northern Star for the SA’s book exchange program, which was another request from Crisler.

The book exchange was an initiative of last year’s SA. It has a format similar to Web sites like eBay and allows students to sell textbooks to each other.

“It completely changes the whole marketplace,” said Senate Speaker Andrew Nelms.

Crisler’s request originally contained $2,700 for advertising, which included two full-page ads.

“I think we wouldn’t need full-page ads,” Dalton said.

She also was concerned that there was a lot publicity last year, but only 600 to 700 students used the service.

Crisler had planned to use the advertising in combination with handbills and flyers to promote the program.

“Let’s not do a service and half-ass it,” Crisler said. “The goal is to continue the program and put some advertising behind it.”

The finance committee also approved $939 to create an additional meeting space in the SA office by purchasing a dry erase board and four chairs.