Joggers may soon need alternate route

By Megan Rodriguez

NIU students like to run.

With the weather turning colder, however, students who make jogging a daily part of their routine may need to take an alternate route.

Abdulrahim Hines, a supervisor at the Student Recreation Center, recommends students use the Rec for not only safety issues, but also because of the well-equipped staff.

“Students should jog at the Rec because the track surface is better for such things as knee problems,” Hines said. “It is also safer than jogging outside because there are people to jog with. The Rec is also monitored by a well-trained staff.”

And running indoors makes it easier to find motivation too.

Hines said students who work out at the Rec are more motivated because of the people around them who also are working toward their fitness goals.

Despite what seem like advantages, some students still perfer to stay outside.

Caroline Conley, a teaching intern for the English department, prefers to jog outside.

“The best time to jog in DeKalb is early morning between 6 and 6:30,” Conley said. “Jogging is a stress reliever for me. I jog before I teach for mental awareness and extra energy.”

Conley does, however, go to the Rec.

“I usually only use the recreation center for cross training,” Conley said.

William Pitney,a professor in kinesiology and physical education, recommends jogging for people who want to stay healthy and active.

“There is evidence that heart disease affects men and women, and getting into a daily habit of physical activity such as jogging is a great way to stay healthy,” Pitney said.

According to a site that provides safety tips for joggers, the safest way to jog includes running with a known companion, staying in a familiar area and not running after dark.

The site also recommended not jogging near bushes which can provide concealment and to wear highly reflective clothing so that drivers can identify joggers easily.