SA hosts meet-and-greet

By Mike Runestad

The Student Association sponsored a reception Wednesday night to introduce student government to those interested.

The reception, “Go! Student Leaders,” gave students the opportunity to meet and greet members of the SA, said SA President Shaun Crisler.

Students who indicated interest in student government on their ACT or SAT received a personal invitation to the event.

During the reception, students had the chance to speak with members of the SA senate and executive branch, as well as officers of the Residence Hall Association.

“We’re hoping to make people aware of what RHA has to offer,” said Keith Kruchten, RHA president and SA senator.

“Part of our mission is to develop new student leaders,” Kruchten said. “A lot of the various student leaders on campus got their start in the residence halls. People don’t know that’s something we do.”

During the event, students listened to the Chris Davis Quintet, which provided the background music.

Allison Thompson, SA director of public affairs and coordinator of the reception, wanted the students to have the opportunity to interact with others on a one-on-one basis.

“Our goal is to get the students interested in student government to meet with senators and members of the executive branch,” Thompson said.

Thompson hopes students took full advantage of the chance to learn about the SA.

“I think it’s a great idea on the part of the Student Association to get students interested in leadership opportunities,” said Gary Gresholdt, vice provost for student affairs.

Students who attended the reception said they enjoyed it and hope to get more involved on campus.

“I’ve always been involved in [student] council and leadership-oriented stuff,” said Danielle Steinway, a freshman secondary education major. “I really want to get involved here.”