Get help finding a job

Victor eRecruiting is an on-line job posting service provided for you free of charge by the NIU Career Planning and Placement Center.

Go to, then click on the red Victor eRecruiting banner. Use your z-ID as your username and your birthdate as your password to access details about jobs that are available to you now or in the near future.

What kinds of jobs? All kinds!

•Part-time and/or temporary jobs for students who are looking for summer employment

•Volunteer opportunities for students who want to participate in a community improvement effort

•Full-time permanent jobs for upcoming graduates from all colleges and departments

•Jobs for alumni who have lost their jobs with downsizing companies or who are career-changers

Perhaps just as important as the actual job listings themselves are the counseling services available to NIU students. For example, do you know how to write a “good” resume? One that will really communicate your skills and interests in a way that is meaningful and compelling to potential employers?

And how about your interviewing skills? Do you feel confident that you could sit down with a recruiter and respond with clarity to questions about how your work experience and education have prepared you for the job for which you are applying? Transferable skills are important to most college graduates applying for jobs for which they have little direct experience. Can you identify your transferable skills and match them up with job requirements?

Identifying employers who are likely to have the job you are looking for is a big challenge. Will you know where to start so that you can save time, minimize rejection and narrow in on that part of the job market that will be most in need of your particular problem-solving skills?

There is a lot to think about as you approach graduation or consider job opportunities available to you while you’re in school. Get some expert advice – call (815)753-1641 and make an appointment with a career counselor. Regardless of your career choice or job search questions, they can offer some practical, usable ideas that fit your particular situation.

Walk-in hours also are available if you just have a quick question or want someone to review your resume before you begin to apply for jobs. You are invited to stop in on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon between noon and 4 p.m.

Looking for more online help with your job search? At, click on “Student Services.” All of the information there will be useful to you, but start with “NIU Majors Information” and “Job Search Handouts.” There is a ton of valuable information at these sites and you’ll refer to them again and again, even after you graduate.

Good luck with your job search. Please give the Career Planning and Placement Center, Campus Life Building, Suite 220, an opportunity to help you with your job search plans.

E-mail Jean Callary at [email protected]