And the winner is…

By Jeff Goluszka

Northern Star Online, the Web site for the Northern Star, won its second consecutive Online Pacemaker award Saturday at the National College Media Convention, sponsored by the Associated Collegiate Press and College Media Advisers.

Northern Star Online, which receives hits from 30,000 unique visitors per day, was among the 10 national recipients of what is considered to be the collegiate equivalent to the Pulitzer Prize.

“Winning this award was definitely a testament to the strong focus on delivering special online content,” said Jeremy Norman, online editor for Northern Star Online.

U-Wire, a college news medium similar to the Associated Press, awarded the Star with a 2002 Savvy Award for excellence in online news presentation.

The Star’s print edition also was a recipient of two awards at the College Media Convention.

The Star’s Oct. 24 edition was awarded fifth place for best of show for tabloid dailies.

“I am very proud of our staff for its hard work and dedication to the Star,” said Barbara Bystryk, editor in chief. “I hope to see the Star continue to improve by striving for excellence.”

Former Star cartoonist Nick Volkert also received a third place honor for editorial cartoon drawing.