Skott Freedman to perform at NIU

By Casey Toner

Skott Freedman, an acclaimed singer/songwriter/poet, will perform at the Holmes Student Center’s Diversions Lounge on Tuesday.

Freedman will cover a variety of topics, including sexual tolerance and his unique coming-out experiences. He came out of the closet twice, as gay at age 18 and as bi-sexual at age 20.

The Northern Star spoke over the phone with Freedman and asked him a few questions about his upcoming performance.

NS: What inspires your lyrics?

SF: My lyrics range from a variety of things. I usually write what I’m feeling, write about what other people are feeling. Rarely will I write about fictitious people or events.

NS: Do you sing about your sexual orientation?

SF: My politics and my music are separate. I lecture about queer issues. I don’t want to hold anything back in my songs. My music tends to be very universal. It has themes of love, loss, hope and happiness.

NS: Are you making an impact on the LGBT community?

SK: I like to think so, based on the e-mails or feedback I get. My main ambition is not to change people’s minds. I’m out to educate about bi-sexuality, breaking down the discrimination of bi-sexuals and the LGBT community.

NS: You’re 23, did you already graduate from college?

SK: I graduated in 2001 from Ithaca College; speech pathology, with a minor in music.

NS: How do you feel about playing in DeKalb?

SK: I’ve never been to DeKalb. I lived in Chicago for a year. I was an intern for the Illinois Federation for Human Rights. I was student intern in the summer of 1999. The people in Chicago are friendly. It has a great lake, good night life.

NS: What do you have planned for the future?

SF: I don’t think future. I think now. I live life enjoying the now.

NS: Why should people come out to your show?

SF: People should come to my show if they are interested in learning about a topic they might not know about. I came out gay at 18, bisexual at 20. I get different reactions in each town.

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