Get ready to jam

By Talesha Herbert

Jenny Jones’s very own Big Daddy Woo-Woo, aka Tornado, will host Soule Infinite’s second-annual Soule Comedy Jam at 6:30 p.m. Saturday at the Holmes Student Center’s Carl Sandburg Auditorium.

The show also will feature comedian Leon Rodgers from “Comic View” and “Showtime at the Apollo.”

Other guest artists will include some of Chicago’s popular comedians, as well as special performances by the Soule Infinite entertainment rap artists Sam.I.Am and Elliot Ness. Sam.I.Am, also a break dancer, has performed for Erykah Badu and will release his first album, “Refresher,” on Soule Infinite’s record label in January 2003.

“We have a genuine love for entertaining people and for music,” said Chris Dyer, co-founder of Soule Infinite.

Lashun Tines, a senior visual communication major, and Dyer, a senior corporate communication major, founded the Soule Infinite entertainment group out of their appreciation of the arts.

Dyer admitted that being the co-president, along with Tines, is hard work and can be tedious at times.

Although Soule Infinite has been in existence at NIU for three years and isn’t the first group to coordinate a comedy show, Dyer and Tines want to make sure their events will stand out while providing people with entertainment worth their time.

Dyer, Tines and other members of the group have been planning the comedy show since April, and said networking is a part of attracting comedians to put on a local show.

“I enjoy being able to provide an atmosphere for people to showcase their talents,” Tines said.

Doors to the show open at 6 p.m. Tickets for the show, costing $10, are on sale from 4 to 7 p.m. today at Stevenson