Professor’s support of capitalism is admirable

Hosannas to professor Larry Arnhart for his Sept.17 letter to the editor championing capitalism. It would seem that old Marxists don’t fade away in the face of the compelling

worldwide failure of their misplaced faith. These fossils of the ‘60s can’t resist a chance to bash capitalism when given a microphone. It is in poor taste, indeed, for them to use last week’s campus forum on America’s recent tragedy to spew their shop worn screed. But good taste was never their forte, some of their ilk were known to plant bombs, burn buildings and shut down colleges in their so-called “days of rage.”

With professors like Dr. Arnhart around, perhaps NIU’s students won’t become ideological clones of these anti-capitalist professors. Dr. Arnhart can expect to be bad-rapped, belittled and marginalized by his Marxist colleagues. That’s a favorite tactic of theirs to silent opposition. But, Dr. Arnhart has truth on his side. It’s hard to say it better than he, when he said at the end of his letter, “Liberal democratic capitalism is the last, best hope for human beings on earth.” Three cheers for Dr. Arnhart.

Jerry Thompson

Former NIU employee