SAMTB considers altering bus routes during project
November 19, 1992
The Student Association Mass Transit Board has begun working full steam to tackle problems being posed by the upcoming construction on Lucinda Avenue.
The Lucinda Avenue construction is a joint project between NIU, the City of DeKalb and the State of Illinois. The total project will cost about $3 million and will result in Lucinda Avenue being ripped up from Annie Glidden to Normal roads.
The SAMTB discussed several plans to alter bus routes to accommodate the upcoming construction. At the Nov. 11 meeting, it had been discussed having two bus turnaround points. One of the turnarounds would be on Carroll Avenue near the Founders Memorial Library. Routes two, five, six, seven and the seven/nine would use this turnaround. The other turnaround would remain at the Holmes Student Center where routes one, three and four would originate.
Charlie Battista from Huskie Bus Line offered an alternative proposal to the board. His proposal calls for all routes to turn around at Carroll Avenue. The proposal stated routes one, three and four would go from Annie Glidden Road to Lincoln Highway and turn around at Carroll Avenue.
Judd Baker, director of the Holmes Student Center, came to the meeting to express his concerns with the changed turnaround points. Baker said many students wait in the Pow Wow cafeteria for the buses to arrive and a proposed shelter at Carroll Avenue could not hold those people.
He also said it would be in the best interest of the students to have the turnaround remain at the student center because less traffic at the student center could result in less business. The board will make the deciding vote on Dec. 2.