Just exploitation

I must express my outrage by the fact that the Campus Activities Board had scheduled the Jim Rose Circus Side Show for an appearance on Oct. 1 in the student center. This event is nothing more than a sensational way of exploiting the physical differences that naturally exist among humans. There are many social differences and problems that exist on this campus without spending student fees to support the exploitation and disrespect of human life.

I can see no benefit whatsoever by spending our student fees to support this event. This event can do nothing more than intensify the already tense emotions and stereotypes that divide this campus. This show contains little, if any, social, moral, and above all artistic value. I am in support for the arts and free expression. However, I do not understand what possible artistic value or merit can arise from this sort of exploitation. For those of you who do not know what I am describing, this is the same outrageous and controversial event that had taken place at this summer’s Lollapalooza concert tour.

By researching this bizarre event even further, I have discovered that I am not the only person who feels this way. There are no other state universities who are willing to support this type of human degradation and exploitation. If you let the university support an event of this nature, where they are willing to exploit the personal differences of other people just to make a buck, you better watch out because the students of NIU are next in line. We, the students, have already been exploited and humiliated by the fact that tuition, fees, and the president’s salary all increase at the expense of the students. Please recognize this event for what it is, we do not need to be humiliated any more.

Robert Rizzo

Math Education (Secondary)