How a digital portfolio can help you succeed after college

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NIU students cam access all the LinkedIn Learning features without giving up any privacy.

By Jack Baudoin, Lifestyle writer

Graduating from college is a daunting thought, knowing that you are about to enter the “real” world and become more of an adult like never before. Thankfully in 2021, there are many different platforms that help to take some of the strain of joining the “real” world.

Social media platforms are an amazing way to make connections and good first impressions with potential employment opportunities. Many people already have existing social media accounts on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram where they share personal things, but it is important to create professional accounts as well. These accounts are where you can focus more on that side of your life; sharing examples of your work, communicating with other professionals, etc. By doing this, it will allow you to reach a larger audience while relieving the pressure of having personal issues come into the mix.

It is also imperative to have a LinkedIn account. This is where companies and organizations that are hiring can quickly obtain information on potential candidates. Think of it as a quick access resume. This is where people can list all of their education and employment experience. Make sure to include any school awards or accolades received, as well as give a detailed description of the different duties and skills for the different jobs listed. Use power words that will trigger a response in readers, and do not be afraid to brag about yourself a little. 

In addition to this, Linkedin allows people to make connections with other people in their field, which is a huge plus. The best way to find a new job is through a referral, according to Linkedin’s list of LinkedIn hiring statistics. By making connections through this platform people will increase their chance of being referred for a job.

Leaving school behind to begin a career is a huge step, but thankfully technology is ensuring that people do not have to take that step alone. Through setting up professional accounts on social media platforms as well as creating a strong Linkedin account to make connections, graduating seniors can rest a little easier knowing that there are tools to help make job searching a lot less daunting than it used to be.