DeKalb Public Library to host virtual event for Women’s History Month
The DeKalb Public Library is hosting a Microsoft Excel workshop at 7 p.m. on Oct. 24.
March 20, 2021
DeKALB — The DeKalb Public Library is celebrating Women’s History Month by hosting “The Amazing Adventure of Bertha Benz and the History of the German Automobile.” The virtual event will take place from 2 to 3 p.m. Saturday via Zoom.
Presented by German historian Anette Isaacs, the hour-long event will take a drive through the origin of the automobile. It will emphasize the contributions of Bertha Benz, automotive pioneer and inventor, who became the first person to ever drive an automobile over a long distance, according to the event page.
“Since March is Women’s History Month, I am delighted to present my program on Bertha Benz, and the history of the German automobile at the DeKalb public Library,” Isaacs said in an email. “I will give a comprehensive account of Bertha’s life, and her contribution to the invention of the automobile.”
Born and raised in Germany, Isaacs, now the leader of an academy of lifelong learning at the second largest retirement community in the U.S., is a German historian and public educator who has given presentations and talks since 2009.
“My business grew over the last 12 years,” Isaacs said in an email. “I am now presenting over 150 programs on 30 different topics, all pertaining to Germany’s culture, history, society, politics per year.”
Given March’s observance of important women throughout history, there’s never been a more appropriate time for this event.
“History is usually full of stories about men, and as a female historian I am, of course, particularly partial to telling stories about amazing women,” Isaacs said in an email.
The DeKalb Library, 309 Oak St., shares this sentiment, as they are just as keen to join in on the celebration of glass-ceiling-shattering women in history.
“We thought it’d be appropriate to do a program on women who have done some historic feats,” said Samantha Hathaway, public relations and event manager at the DeKalb public library. “We settled on (the event) being perfect for Women’s History Month.”
The event will be free to attend. For more information and how to register to attend, visit the event page at the DeKalb Public Library website.