Change will begin with unity

Everyone needs cultural diversity and NIU is no exception to the rule.

Unity in Diversity week is upon NIU once again. Community members should take advantage of the week’s events to see something they have never seen before.

There are events scheduled all this week and at least one of these should appeal to any student, faculty member or resident.

One of the chairs of the Unity in Diversity week said students think Unity in Diversity week is a joke. The fact is, it should not be. There are too many tensions on campus about different cultures not to stand up and take notice.

It’s refreshing to see that so many cultures are being represented by the week’s activities.

It also helps to know that the administration is taking notice of the week. There will be “A Taste of Lowden” on Oct. 1 celebrating Unity in Diversity. Students are welcome, and they can get to see Lowden Hall where a lot of the NIU administration spends their days.

Many students have been working for months to put this week together in an attempt to try and unite NIU’s multitude of cultural factions.

If students don’t take advantage of the cultural opportunities this week, they are doing exactly what the week’s coordinators are trying to prevent.