Red Cross to host blood drive in DeKalb

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There will be a blood drive on 2428 Sycamore Road. 

By Waleed Alamleh, Sports Reporter

DeKALB — As COVID-19 cases increase due to the Delta variant, the American Red Cross needs help from all eligible people to donate their blood. 

The demand for blood cannot keep up with the recent decline in blood donor turnout. The American Red Cross said there’s been nearly a 10% dip in donor turnout due to blood drive cancellations and donor availability dropping due to the pandemic.

To help encourage donor attendees, the American Red Cross has partnered with Sports Clips Haircuts. Donors who donate blood throughout the month of September will receive a coupon courtesy of a free haircut at participating Sport Clips locations. 

If you are interested in donating there will be a blood drive from 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Friday at the Family Service Agency of Dekalb, 1325 Sycamore Road.