New Year’s resolution ideas and tips for students

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Group of teenagers lighting sprinklers and celebrating New Year.

By Daija Hammonds, Managing Editor

The new year is right around the corner, which means that people are about to start making New Year’s resolutions. For college students, resolutions can be a bit different, like focusing on mental health, school, or career opportunities. 

Making mental health and self-care a priority

Students can use the new year to focus on their mental health while trying to balance schoolwork. Making self-care a priority can greatly improve your mental health.

“I believe a healthy lifestyle is a healthy mind,” said Brooke Benford, a junior biomedical engineering major at NIU. “To improve my mental health, I will fix my sleep schedule and become more physically active.”

Students tend to mess up their sleep schedule by pulling all-nighters to finish papers or study, but it would be beneficial to implement an efficient sleep schedule for yourself. This can help ensure that you’re getting the proper amount of sleep, allowing you to be more productive during the day. 

You can also utilize exercise to deal with mental health problems and have a positive attitude about life.

If your plan is to be physically active in the new year, then the Recreation Center is a good place to start. It is free for NIU students and you only need your OneCard to get in. 

According to Help Guide, exercise “can have a profoundly positive impact on depression, anxiety, and ADHD. It also relieves stress, improves memory, helps you sleep better, and boosts your overall mood.”

Another part of self-care is spending time alone and learning to love being by yourself. 

“I want to do more things by myself,” said Kira Brubaker, a sophomore public health major at NIU. “I usually go out with friends, but I think it would be beneficial to do some things by myself.”

Prepare for spring semester adventures

The start of a new semester is the perfect time to finally get involved on campus if you haven’t already. NIU has a variety of clubs and organizations to choose from. Check out Huskie Link and find something that fits you. It can also be a great way to make new friends in the new year.

If you’re graduating in the spring or looking for something to do during the summer, then applying for internships and jobs would be a perfect resolution for next year. You can find internships or jobs that align with your career path, or something completely different that you love to do.

Make next year the year of travel, whether that be personal or studying abroad. Start the new year by planning your summer adventure, or check out the NIU Study Abroad website for more information on how to get started. Studying abroad would look good on your resume, but it could also be the adventure of a lifetime. 

At the end of the day, you’re the only one who knows you best, so make it a priority next year to put yourself first.