Class schedule remains same

By Jami Peterson

Although some students might be blind-sided by the elimination of certain summer classes to pamper the wounded budget, the schedule remains about the same as last year.

Preparing for a possible $2.6 million hole in next year’s budget, NIU has targeted the summer class schedule as one way to alleviate budget stress.

The schedule has been shortened from nine to six weeks, running from June 24 through Aug. 15. By reducing the number of summer school days in June, less funds will be used during fiscal year 1992.

Classes also have been eliminated in some departments to save money this summer.

Wayne Albrecht, assistant dean of the College of Business, said some of the upper-division required classes in the College of Business have been deleted this summer.

He said juniors and seniors planning to go to summer school might be forced to change their minds because some upper-division courses will be eliminated.

But, he said, compared to the fall class schedule, “The summer program cuts aren’t quite as dramatic.”

All basic courses still will be offered so freshmen and sophomores can take the general education and required classes they need to graduate.

College of Professional Studies Dean James Lankford said the “projected” number of summer courses offered this year is actually higher than last summer. However, the number of courses offered depends on how many students enroll in the classes, he said.

“I think (summer) enrollment will be about the same,” Lankford said.

He said three general education courses in Human and Family Resources will be offered this summer. “That’s about the normal number of courses,” he said.

Charles Stegman, dean of the College of Education, said the same number of summer courses will be offered this year.

“We have the same budget as last year,” he said.

Joseph Grush, associate dean in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, said each department in LA&S received varying degrees of funds for the summer session.

“There ought to be the same number of classes available this year as last year,” he said. “If there is a change, it is not a result of budgeting.”

Some departments received more funds this year than last year, he said. The summer schedule is being negotiated, he said.

Communication studies department Chairman Richard Johannesen said budget problems did not affect the number of summer classes offered in his department.

“Whatever (budget) crisis there was has already been passed,” he said. “Now, we’re worrying about fall and spring and on down the road.”

Although the classes offered this year will not be exactly the same as last summer, the communication studies department is offering about the same number of classes as last summer, Johannesen said.

However, computer science department Chairman Rodney Angotti said his department had to cut one summer course from the graduate program because of the wounded budget.

“We had a small budget cut (for the summer),” he said. “We’re thinking we’re going to be all right with course offerings.”

However, Angotti said his department has been meeting with students to discuss the effects the shortened schedule might have on them.

The new schedule, which adds 20 minutes to each four-day class, might be harder on students planning to take two summer courses in computer science, he said.

Angotti said if fewer students sign up for summer courses, it might have “long-range effects” on the demand for the computer science field.