Black Studies minor promotes understanding


Zulfiqar Ahmed

A classroom in the Center for Black Studies, which offers different programs for Black students to encourage success and help them make connections.

DeKALB — Students who are looking to change minors or learn about different options can look into the Black Studies minor offered by the Center for Black Studies. 

The minor requires students to take 18 credit hours within the required courses, with classes ranging from 200 level to 400 level. 12 hours must come from four core courses. Students can choose to complete 6 hours from the African option or 6 hours from the African American option. 

Students must also analyze racism and its present-day manifestations in order to promote better understanding among ethnic and racial groups, according to the program’s website

Departments that offer courses for the minor in Black studies include anthropology, economics, finance, political science, sociology and more.

Destri Pledge, a freshman nursing major, currently has a minor in Black studies. 

“When I saw that the university had this as a choice for a minor, it automatically caught my eye,” Pledge said. “I took some courses around the minor last semester and I really liked learning more about the culture and the historical significance that Black men and women have had an impact on.” 

According to the Center for Black Studies, the minor is meant to bring further understanding of the experiences that Black people have in society. 

Nate Stokes, a senior economics major has previously been enrolled in some courses related to the minor.

“Bringing light to the types of things Blacks have endured during history is important for everyone to know,” Stokes said. “The types of topics that are spoken about in these courses should be taught to everybody regardless of color.” 

Stokes said the topics covered are types of burdens Black people have had to face and the work that has to still be done as a society. 

For those interested in enrolling into the minor or taking courses related to Black studies can learn more about it on NIU’s course catalog website.