Questioning your major is normal in college
Many students find themselves wandering on NIU’s catalog to see what other majors are out there.
February 27, 2022
For many, college is an opportunity to explore and try new things. Going off to college often gives young adults the space to figure out what they like, what they dislike and what they want their future to be like.
It’s normal that likes and dislikes will change as you grow. In the four years that you’re at university, you’ll probably find out that you might not actually like something as much as you thought you would.
For some, this might mean that their planned major is no longer something they want to pursue — and that’s not the end of the world. In fact, it’s actually extremely common for college students to change majors during their time in school.
Between 20% and 50% of all university students enter college with an undecided major. 75% of students change their major at least once before graduation, according to a study published in an academic advising journal.
Evidently, most students don’t necessarily come into college knowing exactly what they want to do. Being undecided or changing your mind isn’t just normal, it’s almost expected.
Changing your major can often make it feel like you’re starting from square one, but that’s usually not the case.
Nearly every degree requires students to take “gen eds” or general education courses, which make up the foundation of knowledge needed for higher-level courses in every field of study.
General education courses give unsure students options. For incoming first-year students, the required general education courses allow them to explore different fields of study and might give them more time to think about the path they want to take.
However, most universities require students to declare a major by the end of their sophomore year. By then, most students probably have an idea of what they might want to do in the future. But what if they change their mind?
Questioning or changing your major, even as upperclassmen, still isn’t the end of the world.
Many majors require students to take classes in different departments, so course credits might apply to your new field of study.
However, this isn’t always the case. If you’re going to change majors, you should talk through your options with an advisor — after all, no one wants to spend more time in school than they have to.
Changing majors, while daunting, can allow students to grow and explore different career options.
While it’s necessary to be cautious about switching majors, questioning and reflecting on what you want to study is completely normal and could save you from a difficult, uninteresting course load.