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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Scandinavians participate in workshop

By Lynn Hammarstrom | February 22, 1988

A group of 33 Scandinavian educators are participating this week in a 12-day workshop for outdoor education at NIU's Loredo Taft Field Campus, located in Oregon, Illinois. The group includes college professors from Sweden's Umea University, the Swedish...

Students to earn credit for trips to Europe, Asia

By Stephanie Bradley | February 22, 1988

The School of Art and the Center for International and Special Programs are sponsoring a summer program to Europe and Asia for graduate and undergraduate credit. Dimitri Liakos, professor and chairman of Art History, is directing the program, which gives...

Davis confronts flier controversy

By Sandi Patyk | February 22, 1988

At Sunday's Student Association Senate meeting SA Vice President Cam Davis opened the floor for discussion of his involvement with the Phi Beta Sigma flier incident. "I know a lot of you (senators) have been talking behind my back about what I did or...

Coed gym weekend: women set records

By Kari Brackett | February 22, 1988

While there was plenty of coed gymnastics action to watch at Chick Evans Field House Friday and Sunday, many eyes were on the NIU women tumblers. Both the NIU men's and women's squads were hosts Friday night, but the women stole the show. The women Huskies...

Cancelling classes will show solidarity

February 22, 1988

The Student Committee on Political Action decided Thursday to ask the NIU administration to cancel classes for the Day of Action II April 13. This would enable all students who wish to participate in the day's activities to do so without skipping classes....

Board of Regents to review draft of NIU academic plan

By Sean Noble | February 22, 1988

The provost's office this week will send a final draft of NIU's annual academic plan, including research from the past year and goals for the future, to the Board of Regents in anticipation of the March board meeting. NIU Provost Kendall Baker said, "The...

Council to look at committee’s draft of bylaw changes

By Claudia C. Curry | February 19, 1988

The Council on Instruction met Thursday to discuss changes drafted by the Subcommittee on Constitutional Revision to the proposed University Bylaws revisions. The University Bylaws revisions first were presented to the COI Feb. 4 by James Banovetz, Presidential...

Alternate fund sources sought

By M. Michelle Byrne | February 19, 1988

Illinois legislators told a group of about 120 DeKalb County residents to look toward alternative revenues rather than depending on a tax increase to fund education. The DeKalb County Farm Bureau, located at 315 N. 6th St., hosted the question-and-answer...

Finance committee funds 5 groups

By Christine Boike | February 19, 1988

Five organizations allocated funds by the Student Associaton Finance Committee Wednesday said they will use the money for improvements to and functioning of their groups. The finance committee's funding recommendations must get final approval from the...

NIU art dept., WKDI up for extra space

By Matt James | February 19, 1988

NIU student radio station WKDI and NIU's art department might be prospects to use space in Kishwaukee Hall if WNIU moves out of the building and into the Palmer Building, 801 N. First St. Both WKDI and the art department use space in Kishwaukee Hall....

Reagan presents $1.1 trillion budget

February 19, 1988

WASHINGTON (AP)—President Reagan proposed Thursday his smallest Pentagon increase but sharply higher spending for AIDS research and airline safety in a $1.1 trillion fiscal 1989 budget that was largely pre-ordained in a deal with Congress. "This budget...

The ‘how tos’ of establishing good credit

February 19, 1988

Establishing and maintaining good credit can be difficult for students, but it's not impossible. If you're old enough to sign a binding contract—18 in Illinois—you're old enough to obtain credit. The following explains how to obtain credit and what...