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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

SA reviews WKDI budget problems

By Alan Marcus | October 29, 1987

Members of the Student Association Finance Committee continued negotiations with managers from WKDI Tuesday night in an effort to resolve the radio station's financial problems. SA Treasurer Todd Lipscomb said the first problem involves missing receipts...

Rainey should listen to message from the SA

October 29, 1987

Some people just never understand. SCOPA Chairman Tom Rainey and SA President Jim Fischer are two of those people. Sunday night an escapade unfolded that could easily be called "NIU's Borkgate—liberal style." Yes, Jim Fischer saw fit to nominate Tom...

Verbal tantrums

October 29, 1987

I'm tired of hearing editors of the Northern Star whimpering and having verbal tantrums about the JLS and one of its members. They've criticized blocking of Lincoln Highway. For guys who were against the event for the purpose of publicity, they certainly...

Buildings must meet certain requirements

October 29, 1987

When you and your roommates sit down for breakfast, is it so cold in your apartment you can see each other's breath when you speak? When you go into the kitchen for an early a.m. snack, do you catch hordes of roaches picnicking on your countertops?" If...

Huskies pile up individual stats in rout

By Tom Clegg | October 29, 1987

NIU's soccer squad must not have been asking themselves "Will we beat Bradley?" but rather, "By how much?" It quickly became obvious that the only mystery about the game would be the identity of the NIU team scoring leader when all the goals were counted....

Albright still without a point

By Dan Moran | October 29, 1987

With the season opener at Butler less than a month away, all the pieces seem to be in place for the NIU women's basketball team. That is, all except for one. As the Huskies entered their third week of practice, head coach Jane Albright was ready to start...

A greater impact?

October 29, 1987

So last Wednesday's protest by NIU's "pseudo-flower children" was a "stupid" move? However "stupid," it accomplished its goals—goals necessary to preserve the quality of education in this state for today's students and students to come. First, it must...

O’Dell wins athletic director bid

By Jim Wozniak | October 29, 1987

Minnesota University Assistant Athletic Director Gerald O'Dell has been picked by NIU President John LaTourette to be NIU's permanent AD, three sources said Wednesday. O'Dell's hiring will be announced formally at a press conference today at 1:30 p.m....

Not the JLS‘ rally

October 29, 1987

In response to Mike Solley's editorial on Oct. 26 about the JLS, the Day of Action was not a JLS affair. It was a SCOPA affair. That means there were other organizations represented. The Day of Action was organized not by the JLS, but a number of different...

Sen. Welch lectures on higher ed.

By Paul Wagner | October 29, 1987

Sen. Patrick Welch, D-Peru, dispelled fears the state might go bankrupt if bills creating additional funding for education pass. Welch said at a lecture at McMurray Hall Wednesday, that Gov. James Thompson has said the state will go bankrupt if supplemental...

Medicare benefits require expansion

October 29, 1987

Just when it appears that all news from Washington is bleak, something happens to restore a little confidence in the government. The United States Senate voted Tuesday to approve legislation designed to protect the elderly from financial ruin resulting...

Moran surrealistic

October 29, 1987

I've got a lot to say about the Day of Action, and since Dave Duschene told the crowd of protestors that the Star isn't biased because they print all of my letters, I'll take my time and say everything I have to say one letter at a time. I want to respond...