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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Opinion Columnist Nanette Nkolomoni shares her heartwarming story about her becoming her grandmother's caretaker.

That Time I… became my grandmother’s caregiver

By Nanette Nkolomoni, Copy Editor | January 31, 2023

I was about 8 years old when I noticed a shift in my grandmother’s behavior. My grandmother was a very independent woman with a quick thinking mind and daily routine. She knew when to wake my brother and I up for school and when to pick us up. She knew...

Drugs fail to slow decline in inherited Alzheimer’s disease

By MARILYNN MARCHIONE | February 10, 2020

Two experimental drugs failed to prevent or slow mental decline in a study of people who are virtually destined to develop Alzheimer's disease at a relatively young age because they inherited rare gene flaws.The results announced Monday are another disappointment...

Sleep deprivation could have scary consequences

By Anthony Parlogean | October 9, 2019

Crazy schedules and heavy workloads for college students make the infamous all-nighter inevitable, but a lack of sleep has detrimental effects, both physically and mentally, and may be literally killing you.Americans spend about 36 years of their life...

Safe Passage reaches to those in need

Safe Passage reaches to those in need

By Kyra Johnson, Lifestyle Writer | October 25, 2018